Senior Mustangs Logo 2024 PNG-01

Sr Mustangs

Fall 2024 Hockey Program

The Ogden Senior Mustangs Hockey league is for adults ages 18 years and older.  The League is currently offering two divisions of play.

Novice Division
The Novice Division is for beginner, adult players, 18+ years of age or those with 1-5 years of entry level playing experience as an adult. This is comparable to a traditional D level adult league.
Sundays 9:45am - 11:00am.

September 8 Through Dec 29.  No Ice Sept 1, Nov 24, Dec 1.
Cost is $175

Bronze Division
The Bronze Division is for adults who are entry to intermediate level of play. Typically have 1-3 years of experience, possibly played some youth hockey. Similar to a "C" level of hockey.
Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:45pm.

September 7 through Dec 28. No ice Nov 30.
Cost is $175

Silver Division
This ice session is for upper intermediate players with several years experience as a recreational addult player. This is comparable to traditional B level adult leagues. 
Wednesdays 9:45pm - 10:45pm 
September 4 through Dec 18.  No ice November 13, Dec 25.
Cost is $165

Combined Novice/Bronze Division
This combined session is for beginner/intermediate players. This option is great for those with friends at different skill levels who want to play together.  New players welcome but are encouraged to start with the Sunday Novice Division to gain fundamental skills and confidence.

Mondays 8:45 pm - 10:00 pm
September 9 - Dec 30.  No ice Sept 2.

Cost: $175

Multi-Session Discount
A $20 discount is applied to the registration checkout for those registering for a Saturday session in addition to a Novice or Bronze session.

Note: Pre-Registration is Required.  Current participants were emailed a registration link to Register ahead of the public posting.  Registration will open to new participants on August 1.  When sessions fill, a waitlist will be created via the registration link. 

Goalies are Free but must pay if they skate out.
Kristi Davis,
Adult League Program Coordinator:
Bevan Burnell, Adult League Program Coordinator: